Sunday, July 22, 2007

Anatomie d'un Sourcil: Amira Casar

French actress and one-time model Amira Casar has the goods:

And you masochists out there who have consciously chosen to sit through a Catherine Breillat movie earned some small compensation for the pain you endured if you happened to choose Anatomie de l'Enfer (Anatomy of Hell). Hell, in this case, is having to sit through the endless existential rhetoric that is the hallmark of anguished French film-making. At least Breillat has the good sense to occasionally depict some explicit sex.

Meanwhile, though, even if Mlle. Casar's untamed nethermane and underarms were not your style, you probably can consider yourself lucky that she at least maintains the brows.

Scroll-down coming attractions:

When the film played in Italy they changed the name to Pornocrazia and featured three of Amira's best features on the poster: her two eyebrows and her right nipple. Eccola!!!

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