Saturday, August 23, 2008

An Eyebrow Lover's Map of the World. And a Side Boob.

Our next posting will be Blubrow's 600th contribution to making your life a better place. At times like this it's good to stop and look around and see what kind of an impact one is having on the world.

We have some data on our carbon footprint, the number of cans and bottles we've recycled, and are happy to say that, like John McCain, we're aware of the internets. But nobody cares about that crap. We think it's more important to see where we are on the map, so below is a map that shows where people have viewed our site in the last year or so.

More than 100,000 visits! Some of them from places where we didn't even know there was land.

We are proud, and we know that some day, long from now, when people are (apologies to Dr. King) judged not by the color of their skin, but by the quality of their eyebrows, we will be able to say, "We told you so!"

Meanwhile, check out the goods on this anonymous 1960s hottie (complete with side boob. Two posts in a row with side boob!).

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